Sunday 31st July: David Berkowitz attacks Stacy Moskowitz and Bobby Violante. Pi gets into a lifeboat and acquires company. July: Max Cady begins serving a fourteen-year prison sentence for rape. Sunday 26th June: David Berkowitz kills Sal Lupo and Judy Placido. The last words he hears are "Faggot! Faggot! Faggot!" (The Castro, San Francisco, California - Milk) Tuesday 21st June: Robert Hillsborough dies from 15 stab wounds.

Tuesday 21st June: Pi and his family leave on the Tsimtsum to go to Canada. Thursday 16th June: Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party since 1964, is elected president of the Supreme Soviet, thereby becoming both head of party and head of state Wednesday 25th May: Star Wars opens in theaters. Tuesday 17th May: John Nardi is killed by a car bomb.